sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

1.    Cooperation VS competition, Competition may be best described as a situation. It's a situation, in which individuals or teams strive against each other to obtain a goal that only one can ultimately achieve, Competitors are cooperating to bring out the best in each other.

2.    I believe that competition is cooperation, Competitors are cooperating to bring out the best in each other, humans are cooperating by being be in the same place at the same time and following the rules.But this words are together almays.

3.    I believe that as futures teachers must have both, so it must work together
Teacher student,then we can´t forget that there are morepeople who areinvolvedso that together wemanageto cooperate and that everyone esan excellent competitor for life.

4.    According with video”I am byTom Shadyac attempts to compare animals with humans as well as they cooperate to achieve agoal create competition to survivein the jungle but iunthe case of humans do the same, but in this case for us to survive in a societyis necessary for legislation, wrestling is added in the jungle yhe strongest who wins, we are rational animals by nature.

5.    We colombians we should use both as the same time use more competition tha cooperation on many occasions trying to be individual persons and not try to seek support from other people because when we join forces we can generate a lot of things from one of them a good competition and i think youneed to advance the country´s cooperation and competition.

6.    Webography


domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

My first blog...

What I know about Blogs…
What I want to know about blogs…
What I learnt about blogs…
The blogs are elemental  for the People, becuase it is used for  Company, university and the
Other places, althougt, is is used For comunication between friends too.in this case is necesary by
us in special for class of upper-english.
i want to konw like different opcions for uor class, like it necesary for us, also i goin to learn like create  bolg because i never  create it.
i hope so of the blog good ideas for mi future work , also it wiil be a good tools for our carrear, so i practice my english and like future teachers it will be for the practice with the students.